The things we most enjoy-- lovemaking, natural beauty, creative challenges, sports or strenuous exercise-- are those things that bring us alive and fully here.
Only between one person and another can the renewal of our world begin.
Love becomes a path of awakening-- rousing us from the sleep of old, unconscious patterns into the freshness and immediacy of living more fully in the present, in accord with who we really are.
All significant achievements come about through vision and intention.
Instead of seeing our partner as our jailer, we need to see that we have constructed our own cage, one we have been carrying around a long time, and that we alone keep ourselves confined there.
Love’s most fundamental and insistent dividend--you must change your life. ... you must awaken from your trance . . . free yourself from the conditioned personality.
To let love enter all the way into us, we have to give up who we think we are . . . it requires letting go of old identities that have served as a protective shell.
To love and be loved, the false self has to die.
Love inspires us to relax into the blessed flow of our being.
When we focus on another as the cause of our difficulties, or the solution to them, we contract and tense up; but when we acknowledge the cause or solution inside us, and relate to that, we start to open, expand, and settle down
A soul connection is a resonance between two people who respond to the essential beauty of each other's individual natures, behind their facades, and who connect on this deeper level. This kind of mutual recognition provides the catalyst for a potent alchemy. It is a sacred alliance whose purpose is to help both partners discover and realize their deepest potentials. While a heart connection lets us appreciate those we love just as they are, a soul connection opens up a further dimension -- seeing and loving them for who they could be, and for who we could become under their influence. This means recognizing that we both have an important part to play in helping each other become more fully who we are....A soul connection not only inspires us to expand, but also forces us to confront whatever stands in the way of that expansion."
We already have so much abundance. We truly do. We need not search too far. It is within. The reason we fail to recognize this is because we haven't quite mastered the art of being. For abundance to prevail, we must have LOVE, gratitude, acceptance and compassion.
While our absolute nature, as pure being or open presence, is timeless and changeless....our soul evolves and deepens through cultivating and embodying the seed potentials -- for courage, strength, generosity, humor, tenderness, wisdom -- contained in this larger nature. The essence of spiritual work is to realize and continually reorient ourselves toward our being, our absolute nature; and this is what leads to ultimate freedom. Yet spiritual realizations often remain compartmentalized, apart from everyday life, or become used as a rationale for living in an impersonal or soulless way. That is why, if we are to live our realizations and bring them into this world, we also need to work on the vessel of spirit -- our embodied humanity. Soulwork is the forging of this vessel......If spiritual work brings freedom, soulwork brings integration. Both are necessary for a complete human life.
The light of unconditional love awakens the dormant seed potentials of the soul, helping them ripen, blossom, and bear fruit, allowing us to bring forth the unique gifts that are ours to offer in this life.
There is a secret about human love that is commonly overlooked: Receiving it is much more scary and threatening than giving it. How many times in your life have you been unable to let in someone's love or even pushed it away? Much as we proclaim the wish to be truly loved, we are often afraid of that, and so find it difficult to open to love or let it all the way in.
I would define love very simply: as a potent blend of openness and warmth, which allows us to make real contact, to take delight in and appreciate, and to be at one with----our selves, others, and life itself. Openness----the heart's pure, unconditional yes----is love's essence. And warmth is love's basic expression, arising as a natural extension of this yes----the desire to reach out and touch, connect with, and nourish what we love.
The problems in relationships begin when we imagine that the warmth ignited in our heart isn't really ours, that it's transferred into us by the other person. Then we become obsessed with the other as the provider of love, when in truth the warmth we feel comes from the sunlight of great love entering our heart....
No one else can ever provide the connection that finally puts the soul at ease. We find that connection when the window of the heart opens, allowing us to bask in the warmth and openness that is our deepest nature. When we look to others for this ground, we wind up trying to control and manipulate them into being there for us in a way that allows us to settle into ourselves. yet this very focus on trying to get something from them prevents us from resting in our own ground, leaving us outwardly dependent and inwardly disconnected.
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