A peaceful and fruitful way to be in the now is a walking meditation game that I just invented; I call it "mindful breathing as you walk": as you keep your breathing cycle slow, deep and steady, start by doing one step with each breathing cycle (start an inhalation with each footplant and an exhalation whenever a foot leaves the ground). Then double your walking speed by doing 2 footplants with each breathing cycle (inhale when your left foot touches the ground, exhale whenever your right foot touches). Then do 3 steps with each breathing cycle. . . then 4, then 5, then 6 (which seems to be the most natural walking pace), then 7, then 8. Then you can slow down your walking by gradually decreasing the number of steps per breath, down to zero steps per breath (mountain pose). Repeat often (or do tai chi walks) if you want more equanimity.
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